
Akkattu T. Biju
E-314, Chemical Sciences Building
Department of Organic Chemistry
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, India
Tel: 080-2293-2646 (Office); 080-2293-2541 (Lab).
Adjunct Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India
Advisory Board, Chem. Commun.
Advisory Board, Org. Chem. Front.
Advisory Board, SynLett.
International Advisory Board, Asian J. Org. Chem.
Editorial Board, Green Synth. Catal.
Researcher Profile
Google Scholar Link
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Professional Experience
- June 2023- Present: Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, IISc Bangalore
- June 2017- May 2023: Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, IISc Bangalore
- June 2011- May 2017: Senior Scientist, Organic Chemistry Division, CSIR-NCL, Pune
- 2008-2011: Alexander von Humboldt Post-doctoral fellow, University of Münster, mentor: Prof. Dr. Frank Glorius
- 2007-2008: Post-doctoral fellow, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, mentor: Prof. Tien-Yau Luh
- 2002-2007: Ph. D., Organic Chemistry Division, CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, Kerala, mentor: Dr. G. Vijay Nair
- Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in Chemical Sciences (2022)
- CRS Silver Medal – Chirantan Rasayan Sanstha (2022)
- Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences – FASc (2022)
- Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry – FRSC (2019)
- CRSI Bronze Medal, Chemical Research Society of India (2019)
- Editor-in-Chief, J. Heterocyclic Chem. (2019-2024)
- Bhagyatara Award by Panjab University (2018)
- SERB Distinguished Investigator Award (2018)
- AVRA Young Scientist Award (2016)
- CRSI Young Scientist Award, Chemical Research Society of India (2015)
- NCL-RF Scientist of the Year Award (2014)
- ISCB Young Scientist Award (2014)
- Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (2014)
- OPPI Young Scientist Award (2012)
- Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral fellowship (2009-2010)
- Fellowship of the National Science Council, Taiwan (2007)
- CSIR Junior Research Fellowship (2001)
- University First Rank M.Sc. Chemistry, MG University, Kerala (2001)
- University First Rank B.Sc. Petrochemicals, MG University, Kerala (1998)